Text to Speech

How to use NaturalReader in the Classroom

Graham Smith
August 8, 2023

In the pursuit of fostering an equitable and nurturing learning environment, it is crucial that we address the pressing issue of accessibility in classrooms. As educational institutions strive to cultivate a space that accommodates the needs of all learners, a significant proportion of students continue to face barriers hindering their academic progress and overall well-being. According to recent statistics, approximately one in four students in the United States have a disability that affects their learning experience, highlighting the urgency to adopt comprehensive measures for inclusive education. Moreover, it is essential to emphasize that providing accessible learning is not only a moral responsibility but also a legal obligation mandated by US law.

NaturalReader EDU AI Text To Speech

NaturalReader EDU stands at the forefront of championing accessibility in classrooms by offering innovative AI-powered text-to-speech applications tailored to cater to students' diverse needs. Recognizing the significant impact of accessibility on students' academic success, the mission of NaturalReader EDU is to empower learners with varying abilities to overcome reading barriers and foster an inclusive educational experience. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, NaturalReader EDU ensures that every student can access written content effortlessly, irrespective of their reading proficiency or any learning challenges they may face.

With a user-friendly interface and customizable features, NaturalReader EDU accommodates a wide range of learners, including those with dyslexia, visual impairments, and other reading difficulties. Through its advanced text-to-speech technology, the application can convert digital text into natural-sounding speech, providing students with a multi-modal learning approach that enhances comprehension and retention. Moreover, the tool's compatibility across various devices allows students to access content conveniently, both inside and outside the classroom, promoting continuous learning and autonomy.

How NaturalReader AI Helps in the Classroom

Accessibility & Text Reading

NaturalReader helps achieve accessible learning by converting almost any text into natural-sounding audio for students with visual impairments, learning differences and reading difficulties. By having text read aloud, students can focus more on the comprehension of the material, and less on the act of reading. Our applications transform physical textbooks, handouts, and other printed materials into spoken content, ensuring all text can be consumed in an accessible environment.

Multi-Modal Presentation refers to the utilization of multiple sensory channels to convey information and content. In educational settings, it often involves presenting information in both visual and auditory formats simultaneously, creating a richer learning experience. AI text-to-speech plays a pivotal role in achieving multi-modal presentation by converting written text into spoken words. This technology not only provides auditory access to the content but also complements it with visual representation as the words are highlighted or displayed on the screen. This dual approach significantly enhances comprehension and retention for learners, as they can process information through both hearing and seeing.

Test Taking

The current practice of requiring staff to be present for reading tests aloud to students with reading difficulties poses a significant challenge within educational settings. Often, there is limited availability of staff resources, which can lead to logistical difficulties in ensuring that every student who requires reading assistance during exams receives adequate support. This issue becomes even more pronounced when considering the individualized nature of student needs and the various subjects and tests that need to be accommodated. In cases where there is a shortage of staff or limited allocated time for this purpose, students may face undue stress and anxiety as they wait for assistance. Additionally, the presence of staff during the exam may inadvertently impact students' comfort and focus, potentially affecting their performance. The variability in staff availability can result in inconsistencies in the testing environment, potentially compromising the integrity of the assessment process.

In contrast, NaturalReader proves to be a vital asset for students with reading difficulties during exams, offering an independent alternative to having a teacher or administrator read the test content aloud. With NaturalReader, students can opt to have their exams read aloud to them, fostering independence and confidence in their test-taking process. This feature ensures privacy, allowing students to use headphones for focused listening. By eliminating the need for external assistance, NaturalReader reduces anxiety and allows students to comprehend questions more effectively, leading to more accurate and thoughtful responses. Additionally, the tool aids in time management, enabling students to allocate more time to answering questions rather than grappling with reading challenges. This accommodation aligns with accessibility laws, ensures consistency, and caters to diverse learning styles, ultimately creating an inclusive and equitable testing environment that empowers every student to showcase their knowledge and skills uninhibited by reading barriers.

Independent learning

The integration of AI text-to-speech technology, like NaturalReader, into students' learning processes has the potential to significantly enhance their independence and reduce the need for constant external assistance. The reliance on others for reading support can indeed be a source of frustration and may inadvertently contribute to stigmatization. According to a report by NCLD, 1 in 5 individuals in the U.S. have learning and attention issues, emphasizing the prevalence of these challenges in educational settings. This highlights the significance of fostering independence for a substantial portion of students. ADAA reports that individuals with learning disabilities often experience higher rates of anxiety and depression due to the stress of managing their challenges and facing stigma. The necessity of relying on others for basic tasks like reading can exacerbate these feelings.

AI text-to-speech tools, exemplified by NaturalReader, offer a straightforward solution to these pervasive challenges. They promote independence by affording students the capacity to access and comprehend text autonomously, diminishing their dependence on external reading assistance. This empowerment enhances students' agency over their learning journey. Moreover, AI technology shifts the focus from perpetual human assistance to a discreet, private tool. This transition minimizes the potential for stigmatization, allowing students to seamlessly incorporate the technology into their routines without drawing attention. The customizable nature of AI text-to-speech applications, including options for preferred reading speed and voice, fosters a supportive learning environment tailored to individual needs. These tools not only assist during exams but also extend to studying, engaging with course materials, and research, fostering a comprehensive learning approach. Ultimately, AI text-to-speech technology, like NaturalReader, has the potential to dismantle obstacles hindering students' autonomy while mitigating the negative impact of stigmatization.

How Students Can Start Listening with NaturalReader EDU

NaturalReader is your one-stop platform for powerful text-to-speech services! With three online applications all accessible under a single Natural Reader account, we provide seamless text-to-speech capabilities anywhere you go. Our user-friendly applications include the Online Reader, Mobile App, and Chrome Extension, all designed for instant and easy listening.

Mobile App and Online Reader - How to Get Started:

1. Get started by creating your Natural Reader account using your email address and password.

2. Once your account is set up, you can start listening right away! Just click "Add" to upload any text, document, webpage, or even images.

3. Customize your reading experience to your liking by enabling the dyslexia font, choosing your favourite AI voice, and selecting your preferred reading speed.

4. Take advantage of supplementary features such as our Annotation & Notes, Sleep Timer and Hotkeys for the best possible listening experience.

5. Unlock the full potential of NaturalReader with our paid features, including the OCR Camera Scanner for reading physical text, MP3 Audio download for on-the-go listening, and AI text filtering for a smoother reading experience.

NaturalReader Chrome Extension

With the NaturalReader Chrome Extension, reading online content becomes effortless and accessible. To get started with the NaturalReader AI Text To Speech Chrome Extension, follow these simple steps:

1. Download the extension from the Chrome Web Store.

2. Once downloaded, for easy access, select the "pin" button to load our reading bar with a single click.

3. Create your Natural Reader account using your email address and password.

4. Now, whenever you come across online content like emails, webpages, articles, or Kindle Books, just click on the NaturalReader "N" logo to load the reading bar and start listening.

5. Enjoy distraction-free reading with our "Immersive Reader" feature, which removes all distractions from the page.

6. Need to continue listening on the go? Simply save your current webpage to your mobile device for convenient access.

NaturalReader EDU for Teachers and Administrators

Here are step-by-step instructions for administrators and teachers on how to use the admin controls for NaturalReader EDU:

Step 1: Inviting Students to Join EDU Account

  • Administrator: Log in to the NaturalReader EDU admin portal.
  • Click on the "Invite Students" option.
  • Enter students' email addresses or provide them with a unique class code.
  • Students will receive an email invitation. They need to accept the invitation and create an account with an email address and password.

Step 2: Sorting Students into Classrooms

  • Administrator: Access the EDU admin portal.
  • Click on "Manage Classrooms" or a similar option.
  • Create different classrooms or groups based on your school's needs (e.g., Grade 7 Math, Grade 8 Science).
  • Drag and drop students into the appropriate classrooms for easy organization.

Step 3: Uploading Documents for Students

  • Teacher: Log in to the EDU account.
  • Navigate to the "Shared Library" or a similar feature.
  • Select the classroom for which you want to upload documents.
  • Upload documents, including readings, assignments, and materials.
  • All students in the selected classroom will have access to these materials.

Step 4: Removing Students

  • Administrator: Access the EDU admin portal.
  • Locate the "Student Management" or a similar section.
  • Identify the student you wish to remove (e.g., graduated, changed schools, not using the application).
  • Choose the option to remove the student, freeing up space for another student to join.

By following these step-by-step instructions, administrators and teachers can effectively utilize the admin controls of NaturalReader EDU. This comprehensive approach streamlines the process of inviting students, organizing classrooms, sharing materials, and managing user accounts, ultimately promoting an accessible and efficient learning environment for all students.

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